3 Applications by Intelense Inc to contain COVID-19 spread.

Sailesh S
2 min readMay 26, 2020

Intelense Inc built 3 different applications to contain the COVD 19 outbreak using KEN an AI with added features for organization and cities.


1) Social Distancing Monitoring Software.

2) AI-enabled Thermal screening software.

3) AI-enabled Self-Assessment Software

Social Distancing Monitoring Software:

This is an AI software that can be put on any existing cameras in public places to ensure that people maintain the distance from each other. The health experts and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials are suggesting to limit a person’s risk of exposure — or of spreading the virus, which the CDC says is transmitted through droplets from coughs and sneezes between people who are up to six feet apart from one another. The software ensures that the people are maintaining the distance via AI to help contain the situation.

Thermal Screening Software:

Thermal imaging is also used to study a broad number of diseases where skin temperature can reflect the presence of inflammation in underlying tissues or where blood flow is increased or decreased due to a clinical irregularity. This is highly effective in showing the candidates with active high temperature which is one of the most validated symptoms of COVID-19. The AI can use this to identify the potential persons who are affected with COVID and can generate alerts to concerned persons to contain the further spread of the Virus.

AI-enabled Self-Assessment Software

AI-enabled Self-assessment tools will help the public to determine whether you need to be tested for COVID-19. This is required to help people identify if they have to be tested or not. This will help mitigate the pressure on the system occurring due to a shortage of test kits. Once the test kit is available in ample quantity. This will help people to ensure that they get tested before they are moving out of self-isolation to prevent community spread.

Application screen for Social Distancing solution by Intelense Inc

